I have long toes and finding a running shoe that fits well is hard, I adore the look of these shoes , They are super lightweight.I had to return them because they were too big. Bought these for a friend....she says they are comfortable and they look great.She has also used them for aerobics and says they were quite comfortable. Adidas is a name that stands for excellence in all sectors of sport around the globe. The vision of company founder Adolf Dassler has become a reality, and his corporate philosophy has been the guiding principle for successor generations. The idea was as simple as it was brilliant: to provide every athlete with the best possible equipment. It all began in 1920, when Adi Dassler made his first shoes using the few materials available after the First World War. Today, the Adidas product range extends from shoes, apparel, and accessories for basketball, soccer, fitness and training to adventure, trail and golf. A fresh take on the most iconic soccer shoes of them all. The Adidas Samba gets a modern update with eco-friendly leather and textiles and luxe metallic detailing. I work standing and walking a minimum of 8 hours a day. This is the most comfortable shoe I have found in 36 years of my profession. I have been wearing this shoe for 20 years." welcome to Adidas Adizero F Sl TRX FG Red Yellow Shoes 100% free shipping delivery
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