The Americans will learn later this month at the U.S. track and field team trials which sprinters they¡¯ll send to London to challenge Bolt & Co., but Saturday¡¯s meet did provide a bit of good news.
Leesburg Pike, 8100 block. Signs were stolen from a business.
On Wednesday Nike launched a global TV ad campaign, supported by press and poster ads in the UK, which features everyday athletes competing in places named London around the world.
Officials struggled to explain the nuances of the two rulings - handed down by the European court of justice in Luxembourg - but both appeared to be setbacks for two of the world's biggest household names.
Practice Fusion has to play by federal rules governing patient privacy under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It says all its data is aggregated and stripped of anything that would identify patients. Privacy advocates are concerned, however, the federal privacy law doesn¡¯t apply to the growing volume of data produced by many health consumer apps and devices. Even outside a medical context, web titans like Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook have faced criticism when using their customers¡¯ activities to target them with ads for products and services. Using health data to target patients makes the stakes even higher, some privacy advocates argue.
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